Namaste and Kia Ora! 🙏
The accompanying picture was taken at Singapore Changi Airport in Jan 1998 during my layover from Chennai to Auckland, as I was leaving behind the known for the unknown. The nervous expression in this grainy picture indicates a combination of excitement and fear. My excitement at moving to a new country was overpowered by fear of the unknown ahead.
If someone had walked up to me then and said that 26 years later, I’d be an independent NZ coach and posting this photograph as part of my coaching business, I would’ve been delighted but concerned about that person’s mental state! That’s how outrageous it would’ve seemed. 😁
When I decided to shift base to NZ, I had no idea how things would turn out. The lack of internet research capability in the 90s meant that my decision to migrate to a relatively unknown country was a massive leap in the dark. I could only hope that I was headed in the right direction!
Beginning with finding a job, I faced many challenges to find my footing in NZ, but they were all part of the process that helped me develop into the person I am today. I learned many lessons from the school of hard knocks that shaped my personality and character.
After over two decades of work experience in NZ, I felt the urge to take another leap in the dark. This time I quit a steady corporate job, the kind that I would have given my right arm for when I first arrived as a new migrant! Years of work in the corporate environment had brought me to the stage where I was disillusioned, frustrated, and unhappy. I knew I couldn't carry on for much longer in this state without paying the price physically, mentally, and emotionally!

I agree it's not easy taking a step out of your comfort zone, let alone a leap. The fear of being in unfamiliar territory is real. The thought of not being able to cope with the change and the fear of failure can freeze a person from taking action. While it is important to evaluate the risk of taking any action, it's equally important to consider the risk of not taking action. You mustn't forget that staying rooted in the same spot in life is also a risk. Shutting the door to every possible opportunity can leave you with intense feelings of regret down the line.
Sometimes, it pays to take that leap of faith. It did for me in both of the above cases. I found the new life that I was seeking when I decided to migrate, and I got the satisfaction and fulfillment that I wanted from my career when I became a coach in NZ, leaving behind my corporate career.
If you've been wanting to do something but fear has been holding you back, you could benefit from having a trusted ally who has 'been there, done that'.
...Someone who can help you work towards your goal without judgement or bias
...Someone who can keep you accountable and motivated to take action
...Someone who can help you design a roadmap for your journey from where you are to where you want to be.
Do you have a partner like that in mind? 😊